Mindful Art for Everyone

Exploring the Real

Do you know how to be real?

In this life, we have to put on all of these hats. But we rarely have the time to take them off and discover what’s really underneath. We rarely explore what it means to be real.

Mindful art is about exploring the real.

This is a place where you can put all the hats aside, shut all of that off – the anxieties of life – and just figure things out for yourself.

In a place free of judgment.

A place to create.

That’s the beauty of the blank canvas, the sheet of paper.

A block of clay.

It’s not about what you see in front of you at the end. It’s about what you’re uncovering about yourself in the process.

In the most honest way possible.

Words are inherently dishonest. You can talk to a friend or loved one or therapist, but can you really tell them everything? Can you really express what’s deep inside, what you don’t even understand?

But actions – the stroke of a brush, the scribble of a pen – are as honest as you can be. That’s just you.

You may not even know where it comes from.

Like in dreams, where we sort things out through our subconscious, we can have a similar experience with art.

That’s the goal of mindful art.

This is a space for you to be real.